The FR650 and FR700 clocks allow you to export Face Enrollments directly at the clocks with a flash drive from a source FR650/700 and import those Face Templates to a target clock using a USB drive.
Exporting FR650/700 Face Enrollments to a USB Flash Drive
1. At the FR650/700 clock press the ESC key to force the clock to the normal date/time screen.
2. Insert the USB Flash drive into the USB port on the bottom of the clock, administrator verification is required.
3. The administrator should present their face to verify their identity. The Functions Menu will display upon a successful verification.
4. Press 3 to Export All Users.
5. The dialog Data Exporting… will show.
6. When the export is complete, the data will be saved to a file named USERALL.TXT on the root of the USB Flash drive and a dialog will show All Users Exported.
7. After a few seconds, the clock will return to the Functions Menu screen.
8. Press the ESC key, the clock will return to the normal date/time screen.
9. Unplug the USB Flash drive.
Importing FR650/700 Face Enrollments from a USB Flash Drive
1. At the FR650/700 clock press the ESC key to force the clock to the normal date/time screen.
2. Insert the USB Flash drive into the USB port on the bottom of the clock, administrator verification is required.
3. The administrator should present their face to verify their identity. The Functions Menu will display upon a successful verification.
4. Press 5 to Import All Users.
5. The dialog Data Importing… will show.
6. When the import is complete dialog will show All Users Imported.
7. To Verify a successful import on this clock, have an employee see if their face is recognized and a punch is recorded.
Note: If a matching employee does not exist on the target clock, then those biometrics will not be imported.
Wed 07/29/2020